I saw over the Temple Mt. in Jerusalem, the hands of the Lord extended from His Throne. He was holding a bowl of intercession which was full and at the “tipping point”. As He tipped the bowl, that which poured forth was not a stream, but rather a giant drop of very clear, blue water. When the drop hit the Temple Mt., it made ripples, or waves, which went out to the ends of the whole earth. Then I saw both hands of the Lord holding a wide, shallow threshing basket in which were the Temple … [Read more...]
VIDEO: CFI 30th Anniversary Session 7 – Keepers of the Wall of Prayer
Christian Friends of Israel 30th Anniversary Conference - Session 7 Special Guest Speaker Rick Ridings speaks on Keepers of the Wall of Prayer: Mobilizing Our Prayer Forces … [Read more...]
Vision of a Wave Across Africa Shaking Witchcraft and Idolatry and Bringing Increased Harvest
During a time of worship in Succat Hallel, I saw in a vision a spotlight on Africa. The borders of Africa were enclosed by a very high wall of witchcraft and idolatry. Then I saw the Lord strike a staff into the waters of the ocean off of Cape Town, South Africa. This produced a great wave of light that swept the whole continent from South Africa to Egypt. As the wave progressed, there were earthquakes and shakings, and the enclosure wall of witchcraft started to crumble. Witch doctors … [Read more...]