A Vision of the “Season of Hunters” On January 13th-20th, 2014, I had two visions that to me indicated that the recent killings of French Jews in a Paris kosher super market were not just “another” escalation in anti-Semitic violence in France, but that this incident was a marker of a change of seasons spiritually. Those of you who have been following our prophetic updates may remember that I had felt that 2014-2015 were two “hinge years” during which certain key events would set the stage for … [Read more...]
Re-Drawing the Map of the Middle East
I recently had a vision of a new season in the Middle East defined by the re-drawing of its borders. I saw angels being released who had sashes over their shoulders on which were written the phrase: “border angel”. They were being sent forth to reset borders according to their original ethnic calling. In the Scriptures, the word “nations” is not used in our modern sense of “nation states”, but more in the sense of “peoples” or “ethnic groups”. Many of the crises facing the Middle East can … [Read more...]
Vision of a Spiritual Tsunami from the South Pacific and Asia Towards the Middle East
I saw the Lord with a rod in His hand. He was standing over the International Date Line, near the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean, which would indicate a change of “times and seasons”. He took the staff and struck it forcefully against the ocean floor. This produced a spiritual tsunami of a huge wave of light that was headed towards Jerusalem and the Middle East. I saw many intercessors and harvesters who began to ride the tsunami wave. They were from the Pacific, especially from New … [Read more...]